08 September 2010

put my poem in


  1. word-forking-up francine!

    um. now i'm hungry for poems and poams and like ... lemons.


  2. It's very interesting that for all the cooking, all the contact with a range of cooking methods and products, the text poam doesn't burn, doesn't melt —it seems to work as a flavoring agent, enhancing, transforming the text, providing texture, extending what it can mean to taste the poam.

    I like the expectation that the poam be consumed, that it is appropriate fare for any meal. Exciting food! Thanks for this post!

    Bubbling is my video poam in which there's something cooking on the stove. Those eggs aren't empty; watch what hatches in them.

  3. "a flavoring agent" ... yeah. i was thinking something similar. i really love that poam, and i like the feeling of the food being "spiced" by the poem.
