579 Tines
featuring outcomes of attempts to explore at least 579 Possibilities of a Limited Fork Theory page system
15 December 2010
poem? ghost?

30 November 2010
"You are mathematical. You don't have to do math; you are math." -Thylias Moss
Also, I may consider a side-gig in thaumaturgy.
Yes. I think I may.
“I believe anything is possible.
Research into quantum physics
proves that a system changes
simply by someone observing it.
Therefore, all you have to do is be
awake and aware of your environment,
and that enables you to
transform everything around you.
It sounds like hocus pocus, but
scientists are coming to realize that
just thinking about something can
make it happen. Turns out maybe
faith can move mountains.”
--Christine Anderson
25 November 2010

A Limited Fork Thanksgiving (Joined in Progress) from the paper: "In the Arc of the Fork: A Journey through Limited Fork Theory and My Imagined Life as a Multispecies Ethnographer" The dinner table is a site for limited fork study. The dinner table is a reconfigurable, expandable location. Leaves can be inserted into tables as when there are exceptional gatherings and there is a need to multiply surface to host a Cornucopia, to host the guests that travel so many forks as highways to converge on Thanksgiving Thursday (to become part of the Cornucopia). Limited Fork exists to construct and to host the Cornucopia. The fork is a tool for gathering.
As soon as the fork touches what it gathers, it changes what it gathers - inducing some modification in it – and transforming the world it has gathered from. The gathered something changes the fork, changes the gatherer. What has been gathered sticks to the forks of the tines that gather and branch, branch and gather to stock the pantry (that is itself a poam) for the making of poams. What escapes the pantry, what escapes the fork is free to take on new life, new interactions - always shaped by the contact of failed containment.
A limited fork meal consists of anything at any or all scales (of time and place) in various phases of transformation (including all phase changes), in various re-defining states of interaction.
The limited fork table adjusts and expands to contain the ever-expanding Cornucopia it attracts, that sticks to its tines (as table leaves). When the limited fork table is stretched to create space for the table leaves, a gap is produced where Cornucopia could fall through. The gap that the limited fork table creates is like the tears in muscle fiber that occur in exercise; it is also like a line break in a traditional poem in that both edge and gap (as niche) are created simultaneously. Consider Moss’s meditation of the line break cut and pasted from her blog Intro to (Limited Fork) Poetry:
“The line break is a bifurcation point, a location where an event (the line itself) has obvious opportunity for change. The corner that a line break is also offers multiple directions, some not as well formed as others; so for many interacting with the bifurcation point, only the movement to the next line seems a reasonable choice. It is a reasonable choice, but not the only choice, for the line continues, in all of the directions possible from that bifurcation point. Various conditions and interactions with variables encountered in those directions shape the structure of form of what occurs in a particular location along a particular continuing line” (Original emphasis). The limited fork Thanksgiving table {is like a poem}/{is a poam} and can be broken at any site (not all sites breaking with equal probability or preference) which changes the conditions of what can gather into the Cornucopia. What is gathered into the opening has less to do with fit than with the possibilities of the moment fed from so many tangled streams of forking presence. Limited-infinite possibility saturates every dimension of the moment and as the gathering proceeds in its processes, possibilities are foreclosed as others are enacted as registers of the real. A beauty, gift, and paradox of Limited Fork Theory is that the non-enacted possibilities - that range of infinity that we could call the Foreclosed - remain as part of the feast! |
23 November 2010
Products of Acts of Making: the Limited Fork Theory Poam as Investigation
Typically, a Limited Fork Theory investigation is carried out according to a set of rules related to the question[s] being asked.
Rules of an investigation exist whether or not the rules are explicitly stated; rules (and their companion obstructions) provide context, and configure what will be possible to consider. Rules form a context of inclusion and exclusion. Some of the nature of access is shaped by choices governing what is considered and what is not considered, what becomes possible and what becomes impossible within the context of investigation, outcomes biased or configured to respond to the parameters of the investigation. Listen to rules and obstructions in Samuel Beckett's Rule number one:
Read some of Samuel Beckett's rules and obstructions from pages 97 and 98 of Molloy:
In an approach to poam as investigation, revision of the outcome system, other than modes and manners of configuration for revelatory display and access of information, would be considered manipulation of data, (further) tainting of findings, so the documentation of outcome is left intact, the data is left intact in all the forms in which data was collected, and continues to be collected, some the outcome of further thinking about the data, thought configuring and reconfiguring the data set into subsets which in turn may give rise to subsets of their own (which may intersect [on some scale in some location for some duration of time] with the initial outcome data). Display and interpretation of the outcome system data is configurable and reconfigurable. When outcome system sata sems shallow or flawed, then the investigation itself can be revised or revisited —reconfigured, and new data collected according to revised parameters of investigation.
Ask different (or what the investigator might consider) better questions the next time, and the next time, and the next time.
Try to determine all the contributing factors (that you can), try to identify all collaborators (that you can) as these factors can (and probably should, as participants in a system of information and activity) shape the possible configurations of the system investigated, configurations that vary as scale, location, and time is varied and context shifts. The geometry of the investigated system is variable and complex, structures that may connect (in some form) here and here, on some scale, in some location, for some duration of time —multifaceted (regular and/or irregular) structures part of super geometric communities of temporarily connected (in some form on some scale) multifaceted (regular and/or irregular) structures.
Once the video poam simultaneity study was configured, stills were extracted for a closer examination of what's inside the interaction at various locations:
Extracted stills (many of which are from spaces between film frames, progeny of the frame that precedes and the frame that follows; from locations of interactions between frames, the connective tissue of moments)have been compiled into a small booklet of ostrich culture of snowmen interaction stills. Each still is a form of page from a dynamic video book —a closed loop video book in its unchanging playback (varying frame rate or direction in playback scenarios shifts perceptual encounters and scale without actually altering the content; the video content is perceptually configurable, and can be edited further by anyone who has or acquires editing skills, but the video content is not self-changing) of video content dependent on technological mishap for change as opposed to be a system that changes within itself over time, or on changing assessments/interpretations of the content, or on direct tinkering with the video content by an agent outside the video content, for instance. Matters of resolution of eye and screen, and sonic issues related to playback device speakers and to ears are other factors contributing to dynamic qualities (putty qualities) of configurations of the Ostrich Culture of Snowmen video poam system.
Zooming into various sections of the stills reveals detail on an even smaller scale, detail that interacts with the pixels for other understandings and interpretations of the unfolded collaborative event moment. Zooming into the zoomed outcomes will reveal even more, including what might prove to be interesting and/or useful distortions once this zooming into the zoomed outcomes occurs as a bifurcation investigation (or subsystem or extension) of the initial investigation occurs. The extracted stills already provide extended consideration of interactions with two text systems: text generated with video editing tools and text scanned with a USB microscope (like one used in an episode of CSI
Beckett, another incurable tinkerer, investigates and tinkers with a configuration of his play What Where:
17 November 2010
DJ Adio at Beachwood Place with Phillip Bimstein's Door music reveal some of the Vibrational Ways of Doors in Augmenting [Limited Forked Theory] Configurable Spaces, including idea spaces, and a fondling of ripples of creation —riding some of those wavy portals
While at Beachwood Place Mall, looking, as usual, for evidence of interaction (such as shadows and reflections), I came upon DJ Adio in a shop window, positioned where both he and his reflection could be seen on two glass planes on which reflections from passersby also temporarily converged, diverged, then converged again on the second plane. A sampling, if you will, of space, of occupancy; a sharing of moment as he spun red discs of music I could not hear.
The sharing of space as reflections converged seemed to be a visual aspect of what the DJ was mixing; persons he did not know, could not see were becoming part of him, walking through his image, enlarging what his image could contain, just as he was enlarging sonic space and sonic meanings.
DJ Adio was functioning as a door, as a bifurcation point, as an entrance and exit point, an access point —and his gestures seemed to be shuffling what was converging, configuring the sonic and visual geometries of the connections. A fantastic door system that I wanted to highlight and explore further with Philip Bimstein's Door music and added vocal tracks expressing and exploring some gist of my observations that were part of the convergence, part of the collaboration.
DJ Adio Door Ways Ghost Relay: an adventure in vibration studies was a poam outcome of an unplanned investigation of a convergence of DJ, reflection, observation, meaning as transit system, the mixing of elements by a DJ in the configuration of a moment.
In this investigation, the movements and gestures took on more context as ripples of experience, shockwaves fanning out from a central event: the DJ's role as an assembler of realities within realities; DJ Adio was acting as a hub into which realities fed, a hub of convergence where he reassembled what converged and transmitted alternate versions, more of the other possibilities for the information that converged in his hub. DJ Adio as relay station, as transformer.
15 November 2010
on The Preparedness of Moments (a Powers of Tines consideration)
In Limited Fork Theory, the moments are always ready.
The moment of enactment, of idea taking shape, not out of nothing, but out of some energy and substance available to become the electrical and chemical activity of thought. Both the mechanisms and what powers the mechanisms of thought are available. A moment is ready to become tethered to an idea, to become part of the birth stamp of idea. A peculiar —and I think, marvelous— enlargement
Brain need not be physically stressed in order to accommodate idea systems and their possible associated infinities. But there is expansion occurring. An emerging idea system contributes to there being more in the mind than before the emergence. The idea system itself may grow, may lead to subsystems capable of as much or even more growth than any of its source systems. And there is room for the expansion, always room for expansion. I have not had to evict an idea system in order to make room for another. When inactive, it is as if the idea system is compressed for better storage, but when necessary, it may unfold, and have space for that unfolding, the size of my head apparently constant. The hat I wore before an idea system emerges sill fits after emergence.
(image of linked neurons from Contemplating Thought by Susan Gaidos at Science News for Kids)
The time and space in which thought occurs is available —the idea system will fit into the existing brain, the forms of enlargement and expansion the idea system require apparently not enlarging the brain's physical dimensions, at least not in an easily measurable way. There are bursts of electrical and chemical activity when idea systems are born—sometimes twin idea systems, triplets, or more. Explosions perhaps similar to fireworks: flowering idea systems. Luminous flowerings. Lightning, of course, as idea trails. I would love for my hair to respond to these flowerings, a glow traveling from the roots to the ends of the hair, maybe even splitting those ends more. I would like this at least once. I am thinking of this light, and it is a radiant happening in my mind. And in the mind of a mermaid I imagine thinking while submerged in water, her glowing hair like other glowing tentacles in the ocean. She comes out of the sea as if her head's on fire, strands of hair like streaks of sunset, intensified by dust and debris light filters.
Maybe I'm too easily impressed, wowed too much by existence itself —the existence of anything— but I'm taken with the wow of how there's room for an idea when the idea emerges. No pinch or squeeze in my experience. Within what exists, an access point appears to, for instance, a tube-like structure where a universe may grow, attached to a facet of a universe that itself may be attached to a facet of yet another universe or system of existence with complex geometry.
Space and time are able to accommodate the idea system, no matter how elaborate the growth of the world of that thought system. A new reality may emerge without displacing realities already active; in fact, the thinker may easily navigate to other idea system realities. The electrical and chemical streams will flow (unless damaged —in some cases, perhaps damaged on some scale in some location by aspects of the flow of the erupting idea system). Forms of displacement (including forms of distortion) can and do occur, but are not necessary, may not the norm; in most cases, a new reality of thought emerges in the brain without apparently altering space and time although space and time were full before the arrival of the idea system that prior to arrival apparently had no existence.
(tree mapping of streets of Seoul from Lee jang sub's ComplexCity Project)
Every possible configuration of moment is waiting to become event, etched into a memory of happening, even what may be imagined, what happens in imagination, and what decision excludes. Possible substance is not the same as fulfilled (it has happened) substance. Available for fulfillment vs fulfilled. The where of availability lacks the physicality that defines the where of our existence; accessing the where of availability produces fulfillment, but an act of fulfillment indicates that what was necessary for fulfillment could be accessed.
The moments that are available as if in queues configured in every way that queues may be configured. So some queues bend somewhere in their queue state. Some rotate somewhere in the queue state. Some twist. Some decay. Some spring. Some (parts of) queues are concealed in (parts of) queues). Some queues are reflections, shadows, eclipse systems. Some queues commit to digesting. Some are uncommitted for now. Some are gaseous. Noisy. Some are apparently silent because their vibrations are not measured in an audible range, but the trembling is nevertheless symphonic sometimes. This is all at once. Every possibility exists. Can be mined. Plucked. And so forth. And maybe there is someone to select every possibility. Maybe there is no waste of possibility. Maybe, for this would have to be one of the possibilities, there is a version of me who still sees clearly out of the left eye.
It is as if one moment system contains all possibility, is all possibility, is contained by all possibility until defined by specifics of happening.
The moments are ready to be enacted, to become path, to become a queue of limiting factors as the moment trail unfolds.
Infinities within the limiting factor of enactment are always available.
Each selection shapes the remaining infinities, each smaller, but no less infinite.
26 October 2010
Noise of Emergency (hałas wyjątkowego)
Flier posted on Emergency Room Wall, Krakow "POLICE MEMO: This boy's corpse [or body?] was found in a pond on March 19, 2010 in Cieszyn. mp3: hałas wyjątkowego |